Balancing act

Written by: Chris Harrison

I’m pleased to note that the phrase work-life balance is in almost constant use these days. But that doesn’t mean that many of us understand it any better than as a place we’d like to reach one day. The truth is that defining a healthy work-life balance is an individual matter. What works for Bob,… Continue reading Balancing act

Change has come

Written by: Chris Harrison

Although I’m sceptical about how radical the ‘new normal’ will be, there’s no doubt that we are already seeing nuanced changes in the workplace. COVID accelerated the digital transformation of everything, and not because technology got better. Rather it was we, as human beings, who decided to lean into it. Here are some further developments… Continue reading Change has come

Workplace Woes

Written by: Chris Harrison

A record 4.4 million Americans left their jobs in September 2021, accelerating a trend that has become known as the Great Resignation. By then, the number of Americans quitting work had already exceeded pre-pandemic highs for six straight months. One driver appears to have been that many workers were no longer willing to put up… Continue reading Workplace Woes

Fear is the key

Written by: Chris Harrison

Back in 1961, the Scottish author Alastair Maclean wrote the thriller ‘Fear is the Key’. A gripping yarn in which the protagonist, Talbot, traps two guilty men and uses their fear of imminent death to extract a full confession of guilt. Fear of something unpleasant happening in the future is a powerful motivator. Psychologists suggest… Continue reading Fear is the key

Leaders, not Managers

Written by: Chris Harrison

As we toil to develop a better quality of leader in African organisations it’s good to remind ourselves that this is a global challenge. And it helps to understand that ‘modern’ business habits, driven by rapidly changing social mores, actually make progress harder…

A Listening Ear

Written by: Chris Harrison

How many times have you heard a situation attributed to a ‘communications breakdown’? It’s often cited in customer relationships when the complainant believes something promised was not delivered and the apologist cannot or will not account for it.

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